Leading-Edge Surface Engineering Solutions

Empowering Innovation with Atomic Layer Polishing™ (ALP) Technology

Explore Our Technology

At the Core of Surface Innovation

NanoClear manufactures leading-edge surface smoothing equipment and produces unique chemical compounds built around Atomic Layer Polishing (ALP) technology. This innovative approach offers a plethora of benefits crucial for advancing the capabilities of numerous industries.

Ultra-Smooth Surfaces

Achieves surfaces smoothness down to 0.1nm RMS, enhancing yield and quality.

Enhanced Material Selectivity

Improves polish selectivity and control between different materials.

Polishing Hard-to-Polish Materials

Enables effective polishing of materials like lithium niobate and diamond without causing damage.

Commitment to Sustainablility

Innovation with Environmental Responsibility

ALP achieves its superior performance using materials that are environmentally friendly and low cost, underscoring our commitment to sustainable manufacturing practices.

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